Sunday 9 September 2012

The big question - Why are we all born?

I woke up this morning with a burning question, one which was directed at my very existence. When I opened my eyes I asked myself: “But Busi, why were you born?" 

At the top of my head I started coming up with reasons for my existence but as I was doing that, something told me to stop.

Then gravity of the question hit me. It hit me with such a tremendous force that when I started thinking about it in depth I realised that I’ve never really taken the time to understand the true reason for my existence.

I realised that I go about everyday life without thinking about it, we all do. We get so caught up in our usual routines that we don’t even have to think about them. We wake up, go to work or school, perform our duties there, go back to sleep and begin the cycle all over again the next day. But why? Why do we do the things we do, act the way we act and say the things we say? Is there a greater reason behind it all?

We very seldom take a moment to ask ourselves why it is that we were born into this life.

Surely there are reasons why you are at the point you are in your life at this present moment, have you ever thought about that? Have you ever thought about why your life is the way it is right now or do you just simply accept it and try to cope as best as possible?

Ever thought about the reason behind your hardships, your victories?

What are they there to teach you?  

I believe that everything that happens to us happens for a reason and once we get to understand the reasons why things happen to us then we get to understand why we are created, the true purpose of our existence.

I challenge you just like I challenge myself, to take a moment out of each day to question why you are alive and why things in your life happen the way they do. The answers you find might shock you, you might even find that you have been playing small and not rising up to the greatness which you were called for. Whatever answers you find I hope they lead you to the greatness I believe we all were called for. After all, the good book does say that we are the salt of the earth.

Stay blessed <3

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