Wednesday 1 May 2013

Cry for redemption (an African child's plea)

With guns they killed our motivation
Claiming their riches from our hard work and perspiration
“Thixo ‘namandla zusincede” we cried to him seeking emancipation
Years later we seek a different kind of liberation
Not from the boer but from our own addiction
Now we  cry “thixo ‘namandla zusincede”
Siyathandaza Bawo sigcine
From these bongs zize zisixege

sikhathele ukubanjwa iziyobisi
But in their shackles we are bound
 Sivele, we cry for your pity
We tried to save ourselves sohluleka
Now we look to you, give us an answer tata siyakhuleka

-Busi Ree

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