Thursday 17 May 2012

hahaha i just came across something i wrote in grade 9 and i thought i should share it with you.

African Woman – You are beautiful

Your brilliant smile is like the stars
That light up the dark night skies
Your soft hands are comfort
Always there when life is hardest
Your luscious lips speak the magic of peace
Your eyes radiate hope

Your glorious body
With its curves and striking features
Cannot begin to express the depth that lies
Each feature

Only some understand your smile
Saying thousands of words and speaking comfort
With a single embrace
You give hope and the belief that this too shall pass
African woman- you are beautiful

Men abuse you
They silence you
And the lips that once spoke of peace
Utter words of suffering and abuse
The tears that used to wash away sorrow
Are now of pain
Your glorious body bears scars
Of suffering

African woman
Seize your power
Take back your strength
The days of walking in fear of violence

Embrace your strength
Touch it with your soft hands
Speak of it with your luscious lips
Show it in your beautiful eyes
Express it through your beauty
Don’t you ever forget
African woman you are beautiful
And because you are beautiful
African woman you are strong!

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