Tuesday 16 October 2012

Aztec Print

Another hot trend this season is aztec print. These fashion items are inspired by ancient aztec patterns and shapes.

This Aztec inspired ring is ideal for livening up  a  plain outfit. This bold accessory is a MUST HAVE

If you want to make a statement then these printed pants are for you

Usually the patterned items (shirt in this instance) is used to  brighten up  an otiginally bland outfit. 

The bright pair of heels draws the attention away from the patterned dress making the outfit look  subtle and  not too "over the top". Also, there aren't many accessories to go with this outfit because the dress speaks volumes and subtle accessories and light make up make this outfit look stunning!

It seems fashion is rewinding and drawing its inspiration from ancient times. first it was vintage, now it is the aztec print. I will not be surprised if the next fashion trend is robes say like from moses' time. Whatever the new trend is, we shall embrace it!

-These are the makings of a woman

fashion foot forward

Clothes maketh the man in this case the woman. The saying goes: if you look good you feel good and the season to feel good has come! Yes, summer is around the corner and these are the trends that are going to be big this summer.

Did someone say COLOR???
tangerine seems to be the color of the season 
these are just a few of the many gorgeous items that are making waves this summer

Every woman needs a pair platform mary jane heels. This suede tangerine color makes this pair an absolute jewel!

Aztec prints are big this season. this cute pair of earings incorporates  two trends into one  and the product is an absolute WINNER!!!

this poncho style jersey sreams statement. It is played down by  plain  black leggings, black heels and black accessories to keep the focus on the top haf of the body. 

your hands say a lot about you as a woman and what a way to make a statement with this
bold color. You can also switch it up with other bright colors to put your best fashion hand forward!


You can add these bright accessories to liven up any plain outfit or  you can go colorful by mixing these up with other bright colors for the perfect color blocking number.

I am NOT a fashion blogger, but i loved these items and thought i should share them with you. After all, the way you dress is a presentation of yourself and as a young woman, that presentation should be BOLD and ELEGANT.

-These are the makings of a WOMAN


Sunday 14 October 2012

I know it has been a while but while I was away i discovered that i love taking pictures. So much so that I want to share my pictures with you. Some of these are edited. Enjoy!!!

-These are the makings of a WHUMAAAAANNN hehehe

Naledi AKA Starlosophy  wearing her head gear. African beauty


These are our kool kid shoes. The all * stars are Bernice's and the Tomys are mine :)


This is what Sunday mornings are made of #Nature